
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This isn't the Westin!

So my daughter looks out the window and says - "I see a possum!" I'm like... how do you know what a possum looks like... but ask "Where?" "Behind the tool shed!" After looking out the back a while up comes this possum, sure enough, and edges its way under the make shift lid I had on the compost bin. Well after hitting the plastic bin a couple of times with the squirrel deterent (sling shot), it doesn't seem to be startled or moving. I make my way out to the compost bin and using a spare piece of lumber I lift the lid off and here is the possum, curled up and looking like it came back after a long night of drinking! I left the lid off, but it shows that even wildlife likes the compost bin which is now 6-years old. I'm planning on posting a link to the instructable shortly - look for it!

Monday, February 7, 2011


...even the over wintered avocado plants are itching to get out. Maybe another month before planting of the cool season plants - swiss chard, spinach, peas....

The down time is a good time to start plotting on multiple fronts: garden planning and finally starting that blog Jeanette and I have been talking about! We've been talking a long time about blogging on things such as urban agriculture, backyard gardens, edible landscapes, DIY projects, and the biggest reason we do it - EATING (at least one of the biggest for me!).

Is that plant reaching for the door knob?